Q)How does it work?
Evapo-Rust™  works through selective chelation. This is a process in which a large synthetic molecule forms a bond with metals and holds them in solution. Most chelating agents bind many different metals. The active ingredient in Evapo-Rust™ bonds to iron exclusively. It can remove iron oxide but is too weak to remove iron from steel where the is held much more strongly.

Q)Do parts have to be completely clean before immersion?
No. Evapo-Rust™ has detergents which penetrate oils and dirt. However, surface contaminants do slow the process. The soils must be penetrated before Evapo-Rust™ can come in contact with the rust underneath. Soil residue will also shorten the life of Evapo-Rust™. Heavy greases and cosmoline should be removed prior to de-rusting.

Q)Will Evapo-Rust bluing and other oxide finishes?
Yes. Evapo-Rust™ will remove these in about 30 minutes. Anodizing will not be removed. Powder coating and paint will not be removed as long as the the paints do not contain oxides.

Q)Can I clean brass, copper and aluminum with Evapo-Rust?
No, it will not clean or damage any of these metals. It will not harm rubber, plastic, clothing or glass either.

Q)I get a black film on some parts after using Evapo-Rust. What is it and how do I remove it?
The black is carbon from the steel. Generally high carbon steel is used in making items that are flexible (e.g. springs, saw blades) high carbon steel and tool alloy steel items when de-rusted will have a darker appearance. Munch of the carbon can be removed simply by wiping with a cloth.

Q)Can I spray Evapo-Ruston the rusted area?
No, Evapo-Rust™ only works in the liquid form. When sprayed on a surface, the water in the solution will evaporate before de-rusting can be completed. It can however be sprayed on as rust preventative.

Q)How can I use it on a surface too large to soak?
Soak a sponge with Evapo-Rust™. Then place it over the rusted area. Cover the sponge with plastic wrap and tape the wrap down to prevent moisture from escaping. Remove in 24 hours and rinse the area with water.

Q)How long does Evapo-Rustlast?
One gallon of Evapo-Rust™ will remove the rust from 300 pounds of moderately rusted steel. If any of the bath evaporates, simply replace it with fresh tap water.

Q)How do I know when the bath is spent?
The bath will turn completely black and will not perform.

Q)How do I dispose of spent solution?
When Evapo-Rust™ is spent, only the iron content of the solution will dictate how it can be disposed of. In most cases it can be dumped into the city sewer.

Q)What size containers is Evapo-Rustpackaged in?
It comes in quarts, single gallons, 5 gallon pails, 55 gallon drums and 275 gallon totes.